古色古香米花糖 发表于 2008-12-6 12:57:26

AbiWord 2.6.5 - 免费的文字处理工具

http://img.cnbeta.com/topics/008_soft.gif      AbiWord是一款类似于微软Word程序的免费文字处理工具,它体积小却功能大,非常适合处理文书、信件、报告、备忘录等常用办公文件.AbiWord是开放源代码的软件,也是AbiSource办公套件的一部分.AbiWord的过人之处不仅在于免费提供了强大的文字处理功能,而且其开放源代码的自由构架模式可轻易把源程序编译成可在任何操作系统下运行的应用程序,任何语言版本的操作系统它都支持

                This release includes the following changes (and more!):

[*]Added our first iteraton of an Office Open XML filter.Features supported are: formatted text, formatted paragraphs, pagebreaks, columns, tab stops, footnotes, endnotes, headers/footers,fields, images, hyperlinks, bookmarks, lists, tables, and text boxes.[*]Vastly improved LaTeX export filter, which even supports exporting equations now.[*]Fixed a couple of annoying crashes in the GTK frontend, for example when overwriting a file or inserting a symbol.[*]Fixed a bug that prevented the correct shaping of glyphs for complex scripts such as Arabic.
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